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Other Books by Tina Beattie


Tina Beattie is a—or perhaps the—leading feminist theologian of her generation, but she is never easily pigeonholed. If this is a challenging book, often involving, as she says at one point, “thinking on the edge of the thinkable”, it is also rewarding in the way that her work usually is: by turns elusive, provocative and illuminating, but always adventurous and never falling into easily predicted patterns. (Karen Kilby, The Tablet)


... a book that is spectacularly interesting, though not an easy read. ... The author makes an impassioned bid for good scholarship, and demonstrates the value of this herself ... Heady stuff! (Lavinia Byrne, The Church Times


The contents of this new Catholic feminism are bold, brave and sometimes Byzantine. (Graham Ward, Theology and Sexuality)

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Tina Beattie is a fresh and exhilarating new voice in the current debate who challenges atheist and believer alike. (Peter Stanford, The Tablet)​


Tina Beattie has a breadth of scholarship and reading that takes the breath away, and has a deep understanding of what is happening. A wonderful read. (P.M. Webb, Amazon reviewer)

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Tina Beattie has written a stunning book on the "theology of woman". ... It is hard to summarize the riches of this dense, rich, fruitcake of a book. (Janet Martin Soskice, Theology and Sexuality)


This book is amazing. ... The kind of book where I kept wanting to put the book down and *tell somebody*! (Eve's Reviews, GoodReads)

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